Joyous Deepavali Celebrations at Vallabh Niketan in Bengaluru, Karnataka

"Seva is an opportunity provided to a human to help with self-development. One needs to thank those who provide us an opportunity to help them and make them happy." - Sri M

The members  of the Satsang Seva Mission team at Bengaluru celebrated the Festival of Lights, Deepavali, with fervor and joy at Vallabh Niketan Ashram on the 4th of November, 2021.

Excitement filled the air at dawn as the 50 children  and staff welcomed the SSM team members who kicked off the festivities by serving them a delicious breakfast of their choice.

After a brief interaction with the children, the team members donated new clothes to them. The children rushed to their dormitory to wear these new clothes and looked forward to the rest of the activities that had been planned for the day. 

A traditional lunch comprising several special dishes preceded an afternoon filled with fun activities. The infectious joy and huge smiles of the children simply filled everyone with great happiness. 

The food bonanza continued into the evening with a special treat of spicy paani pooris and other savory snacks. 

The evening ushered in glowing lamps and lights to dispel the darkness and the children enthusiastically lit up the festive atmosphere with fire crackers and danced away to some awesome songs. 

Mr. Hassan, the manager at Vallabh Niketan said,  "The seva by Sri M's Satsang Foundation has been going on for four years now. Every program by the Satsang is memorable. The children are very happy. Many have come from their home town just for this celebration. They have got all this without asking anything from Sri M's foundation. We hope to have the blessings of Sri M with us always." 

The sheer delight of these children was indeed the greatest gift for Team SSM Bengaluru on the auspicious day of Deepavali.